Profile photo

V1051 Rosa H

V1051 sent 2 VC to V1149

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Caroline's holy symbol

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Eris's holy symbol

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found MrsN's holy symbol

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Poppy's holy symbol

V1051 invested at 0.760 VC

V1051 sent 1 VC to V0002

V1051 sent 1 VC to V0001

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Poppy's holy symbol

V1051 changed their Vanderbook profile theme

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found MrsN's holy symbol

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Eris's holy symbol

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Caroline's holy symbol

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Trix's holy symbol

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 3 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 3 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 3 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 3 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Caroline's holy symbol

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Trix's holy symbol

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 was watching VanderstankTV

V1051 was watching VanderstankTV

V1051 was watching VanderstankTV

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

Profile photo

V1051 Rosa H

today’s vibe is ’what if a dress was people’ image

Profile photoShockingly beautiful

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 5 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 5 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 5 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 5 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 5 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 5 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 1 VC at the Casino

V1051 won 5 VC at the Casino

V1051 went Apostle Hunting and found Trix's holy symbol